Boy (James Rolleston) is a dreamer who loves Michael Jackson. He lives with his brother Rocky (Te Aho Eketone-Whitu), a tribe of deserted cousins and his Nan. Boy's other hero, his dad, Alamein (Taika Waititi), is the subject of Boy's fantasies, and he imagines him as a deep sea diver, war hero and a close relation of Michael Jackson (he can even dance like him). In reality he's 'in the can for robbery'. When Alamein returns home after 7 years away, Boy is forced to confront the man he thought he remembered, finding his own potential and learn to get along without the hero he had been hoping for.
The best thing about Boy is that it starts off being really, really funny. I mean side-splittingly funny. Though it continues this throughout most of the rest of the movie, it takes on a real heart breaking turn. No, this movie isn't depressing, rather, it takes a story we can all relate to: realising that our hero isn't as perfect as we expect them to be. When Boy realises who his father really is, it sucks, big time. You can't help but feel sorry for the guy.
New Zealanders love this, as I'm sure the international audience will too. It has be gathering some rave reviews from Australia, and should hopefully be released in America some time soon. While I'm sure they won't get the full gist of the movie because it is a Kiwi film made for Kiwi's, they will love it's humour and fantastic nature. James Rolleston makes a fitting debut as Boy, and manages to capture the hearts and minds of the audience through a performance better than what we see on the average episode of Shortland Street. Taika Waititi, taking on writing, directing and acting roles in this movie, does all of these tasks expertly well, and I can't wait for his next project to come out.
Boy has such charm and fearlessness that most of our films refrain from using, which makes it all the more special. It can be silly without seeming stupid. It can be heart breaking but it isn't depressing. It could make you sides sore from all the laughter but you will still enjoy every second of it. Take it from me: if you aren't uplifted by this movie, you're an egg. If you miss this film, then you are one major rotten egg.
The best New Zealand made film ever. I can smell the Oscar buzz that should be surrounding this movie, too...
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You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.