Nicole Kidman. Julianne Moore. Meryl Streep. Come on, these three in the same film? It's gotta be great, right? Yes, well it pretty much is.
The Hours (2002) is based on Virginia Woolf's book 'Mrs. Dalloway', and how it connects three different women in three different periods of time. First there is Clarissa Vaughn (Streep), a modern-day Mrs. Dalloway who is in love with her friend Richard (Ed Harris), who had AIDS. Then there is Laura Brown (Moore), a women living in 1951 Los Angeles with her son and husband. Though she has everything she wants, she is unhappy with her life, and draws many similarities to Mrs. Dalloway herself. And then there is the actual Virginia Woolf (Kidman), who is writing the novel. She is struggling with her life in 1920's countryside London, and also trying to resist the urge to commit suicide.
Basically, a movie with great actresses in it always makes me happy. Hell, this was a near perfect movie. Thanks to the performance. Yes, Streep was great, like always. Julianne Moore was my favourite, because everytime she was on screen was like seeing a revelation happening before your eyes. She handled her role with the right amount of fragility, but then held her own like her character tried so hard to do, but inevitably failed. Nicole Kidman won an Oscar for her performance, which I thought was well deserved, despite what people say. I didn't even think her prosthetic nose was a problem, and I thought it was Virginia Woolf on the screen.
This movie was beautifully constructed, and a true hall-mark in cinema. This is the way films should always be: glimmering with fantastic performances and closing in on matters of the heart.
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You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.