Okay, boy movies really aren't my thing. I mean, yes, District 9 was good, but movies like G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra? Way over the top of my head. When I watched this, I was sitting there trying to keep up with everything that was going on, but I was blown away by all of the amazing over the top special effects. It's worth seeing this film just for that. Anyway, the film is all about an elite military unit known as G.I. Joe, who have the motto "When all else fails, we don't". They find out about some dangerous arms dealers, who are ready to take down Paris, and the Joes embark on trying to stop them. Sienna Miller plays the 'femme fatale' of the story, Ana DeCobray, a woman who was once in love with Duke (Channing Tatum), but turned evil after her brother Rex (Joseph Gordon-Levitt, from (500) Days of Summer) 'died' in a war. The Joes are made up of some special operatives, like 'Scarlett' O'Hara (Rachel Nichols), a young woman who graduated when she was 12 years old and has never lost a battle. The verdict is, if you enjoyed Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, then you will enjoy this. Boys will enjoy it, girls will struggle not to hit the stop button. I give it a high rating for the special effects alone, and the pretty nifty gadgets they have in it.
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You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.